

Ok so I was driving home Wednesday night and I got on interstate 20 and there was no one around for miles. So being the cool guy I am I floored the gas and just slammed the car up to 110 mph.

IT WAS INSANE! The rush was great and I really started tearin up asphalt. You have to think that the car that I'm driving is a 1995 Oldsmobile Cutless Cierra I thought the engine was gonna explode but it didn't :P

So that was cool, so yeah...

untill next time this was your daily dose of.....


Award for CBO? SAY WORD?!?

I know right? I got an award an Antean Cross just for me! Yay!

lets see.... hmmm what to, oh yes the stinky stennes

DALTHID!! you stinky stinker! Now that you decide you;re done playing Combat master I have to change my post all up and everything. I mean my Character Sheet I had this nice thing for you in there and now *poof* you leave, stinker.

Just messin with ya bro. Cant say enough about the great work you've done for the ACC and the Brotherhood as a whole. But dont think that just because you're not CM anymore means you wont get any more challenges from me, see? yeah!



Play-offs start tommrow night, we're playin Berkely and we're gonna hit that HEIZMAN! on dem hoes! Yup we're gonna win! no doubt!

untill next time this was your daily dose of.....


VT Shootings

Just a random rant coming out here so just hang on.

Seriously... whats wrong with the world today? I am an optimist and I always try to look at things for the best but when somthing like this happens it's really hard to do that.

"16 dead in blacksburg today"
"20 now confirmed killed today at Virginia Tech"
"26 killed by unknown gunman on the campus of Virgina Tech"
"32 Students and faculty members murdered at the hands of an Asian shooter today in Blacksburg, Virgina at the Campus of Virgina Tech."
"South Korean, Cho Seung-Hui, the man behind the massacre was found dead on the campus today, presumably taking his own life. This brings the death toll to 33 lives."

  • Ross Abdallah Alameddine - 20 English

  • Christopher James Bishop - 35 German proffesor
  • Ryan "Stack" Clark - 22 Biology

  • Jocelyne Couture-Nowak - Teacher

  • Daniel Perez Cueva -21 French
  • Dr. Kevin Granata - 72 World renowned scientist Father & Husband

  • Caitlin Hammaren - 19 French
  • Emily Jane Hilscher -19 Poultry Science
  • Jarrett Lee Lane - 22 Civil Engennering
  • Matthew J. La Porte - 20
  • Liviu Librescu - Holocost Survivor

  • G.V. Loganathan - 51 Civil Engennering professor

  • Daniel O'Neil - 22

  • Juan Ramon Ortiz - 25

  • Mary Karen Read - 19

The list goes on and on... It is unbeliavable to me that somone can hate people that much to just go on a rampage for no apparent reason. I really dont know what has happened to the sanity of our world but I pray we get it back soon.

Untill next time this was your daily dose of...