

ooooh yea! LEAGAL NESS IS UPON ME! that's right fools I can finally persue my adult film carrer, a dream I've had since my first skin flick! :P

Nah but in all seriousness I had a totally awesome weekend. Hit up a frat party, got wasted had guilt-free... "relations" and an all togeather awesome weekend... the parts I can remember that is :P :P :P but yeah

Oh and one last thing NCAA college recruiting rules SUCK!

untill next time this was your daily dose of.....



AHOOOOOOOOOOOOO! I'm back! I'ma so exited to be BAS-TYRA TET!

I'm gonna have super good fun and now I'll have good stuff to put on here now! yay

untill next time this was you daily dose of.....